Rotary Peace Project Incubator, Geneva
fimmtudagur, 16. júlí 2020 10:00 - föstudagur, 17. júlí 2020 16:00, GenevaVefsíða:
Fyrirlesari(ar): Walter B. Gyger, Rotary Representative at UNO Geneva Natalia Sineaeva-Pankowska, Coordinator of the Rotary Peace Fellows Alumni Association Europe Governor Hansruedi Moser, D1990 Director Peter Kyl
Every day, we hear about conflicts, wars, refugees, atrocities, and victims. These conflicts seem so remote to us, often times feeling unreal and difficult to imagine the hardships people endure.
And yet, as humans we cannot close our eyes to the suffering because peace concerns us all. As Rotarians, we have a moral responsibility to look closely and reflect on how we can alleviate suffering. If we turn away from those in need, their suffering can easily become our own.
As Rotarians, we have to ask ourselves the key-question: WHAT CAN WE DO to make the world a more peaceful place, no matter how overwhelming the task may seem? The 1st Rotary Peace Projects Incubator seeks to develop peace projects individually tailored to the communities most in need of peace action. Rotarians have always been People of Action and share a strong sense of purpose. Our plan: to increase our impact, expand our reach, enhance participant engagement, and increase our ability to adapt to peace obstacles around the globe.