Rotary Foundation

Friday, November 1, 2019

Pieter Spierenburg, Vorsitzender Foundation Kommission D1980

With the introduction of the New Grant System, the heart of Rotary International has taken on a new face: The results are now tangible for clubs. The district has a lot of room for maneuver.

Applying for district grants for Club Projects has become easier. The approval process has also been simplified for global grants for international humanitarian projects, scholarships, and vocational training teams. However, these projects are subject to strict requirements: The focus must match one of the six areas of focus.

For the Rotary year 2020/21, we have US$74,300 available for district grants to support your club projects. Clubs are invited to evaluate projects and submit a district grant application by 31 March 2020. Questions? We, the grant subcommittee members, are happy to help.

The Rotary Foundation Committee:
Chair: Pieter Spierenburg
Grants: Claudia Steinegger, Iris Studer-Milz, Pieter Spierenburg, Ivano d'Andrea
Scholarships: PDG Ajay Bhatnagar, Antonio Loprieno
VTT: Christine Davatz, Sibyl Anwander
Polio Plus: Joachim Walter Koch

DG Hanspeter Pfister, iPDG Roland Wunderli and DGE Franceso Beretta Piccoli are also members of the Grant Committee.

Please note: Attendance at the Foundation seminar in Lucerne on 9 November 19 and the PETS are, among other things, prerequisites for the annual qualification to apply for a district grant or a global grant.

The District Foundation Committee looks forward to working with you.

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The Rotary Foundation - EREY

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