Friday, June 12, 2020

The Rotary International motto for 2020-21 is “Rotary opens opportunities” and was chosen by Holger Knaack, the first international president from Germany in Rotarian history. Holger Knaack is a real estate agent and a member of the Herzogtum Lauenburg-Mölln Rotary Club since 1992. The motto encourages the clubs and members of the three Rotary Organizations (Rotary, Rotaract and Interact, which are represented by three doors) to create opportunities that strengthen their leadership, help put service ideas into action, and improve the lives of those in need.


rotary.fbp@bluewin.ch, mob.: 079 247 40 44, www.rotary1980.ch

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Presidente RI / RI Präsident 2020-21 Holger Knaack

da destra / von rechts: F. Beretta Piccoli, H. Knaack, Susanne Knaack