The Rotary Foundation grants subsidies known as “Global Grants” in USD for Rotarian projects. From July 1, 2020, the total amount of these Global Grants will only double the District Designated Funds (DDF) allocated from the District for projects. From 1.7.2020 Global Grants can now be less than USD 15’000 and the international partners of each Global Grant beneficiary project must finance at least 15% of the budget (until 30.6.2020: 30%).
The DDF at the disposal of the Districts depend on the total amount of the EREY donations paid in by their Clubs in favor of the Annual Fund of the Rotary Foundation. I therefore call on the generosity of our Clubs in order that we will always have enough DDF to finance all of the Global Grant requests of our Clubs.
I attach the message of Rot. Martin Wegmüller, dated 1.7.2020, new President of the District Rotary Foundation Commission (DRFC).
Francesco, mob.: 079 247 40 44,